Crust calfskins

Crust calfskins

We process our wet-blue or wet-white calfskins into crust skins in our tannery. With seven dyeing drums of different sizes at our disposal, we can run different batches at the same time.

Based on your requirements

The formulations and drying options used in the tannery are entirely based on your requirements. This ensures that you get the ideal calf leather for your products, according to your specifications. Together we aim for high-quality calf leather and gorgeous products.

Our guarantees

  • Wide selection

  • Continuous availability

  • Consistent quality

  • Traceability

  • Integrated chain

From our own slaughterhouse

By managing everything from start to finish, we can offer traceability throughout the supply chain. We have our own veal farms, slaughterhouse with cold store and a tannery enabling us to raise, transport, slaughter and tan the calves ourselves. Being involved in each step in the chain means we can influence quality and guarantee continuity.

Traceability »

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